
Life history timing – or the timing of key events in an organism’s life – indicate transitions of stage, state and/or energy budget that govern both how an organism interacts with its environment as well as its role in an ecosystem, fishery, etc.  Our efforts to explain and predict life history variation in time and space include: 

Ferreira, A.S.A. & A.B. Neuheimer. 2024. Estimating a thermal constant of spawning to explain spawning time of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii across space and time. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Advance View. (link).


Ory, N.C., J.P. Gröger, J.P., A. Lehmann, F. Mittermayer, A.B. Neuheimer, & C. Clemmesen. 2024. Early arrival of spring-spawning Atlantic herring Clupea harengus at their spawning ground in the Kiel Fjord, western Baltic, relates to increasing winter seawater temperature. Journal of Fish Biology. 1-13. (link).


Ferreira, A.S.A., A.B. Neuheimer, & J.M. Durant. 2023. Impacts of the match-mismatch hypothesis across three trophic levels - a case study in the North Sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 80: 308-316. (link)



Ferreira, A.S.A., L.C. Stige, A.B.Neuheimer, B. Bogstad, N. Yaragina, I. Prokopchuk, & J. M. Durant. 2020. Match-mismatch dynamics in the Norwegian-Barents Sea system. Marine Ecology Progress Series. doi: 10.3354/meps13276 (pdf)


Conklin, E.E., A.B. Neuheimer, & R.J. Toonen. 2018. Modeled larval connectivity of a multi-species reef fish and invertebrate assemblage off the coast of Molokaʻi, Hawaiʻi. PeerJ 6:e5688. (pdf).


Neuheimer, A.B., B.R. MacKenzie, & M.R. Payne. Temperature-dependent adaptation allows fish to meet their food across their species' range. Science Advances 4:7, eaar4349, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar4349 (pdf).


Wong-Ala, J.A.T.K., C.M. Comfort, J.M. Gove, M.A. Hixon, M.A. McManus, B.S. Powell, J.L. Whitney, & A.B. Neuheimer. 2018. How life history characteristics and environmental forcing shape settlement success of coral reef fishes. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:65 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00065. (pdf


K.H. Andersen, T. Berge, R.J. Gonçalves, M. Hartvig, J. Heuschele, S. Hylander, N.S. Jacobsen, C. Lindemann, E.A. Martens, A.B. Neuheimer, K. Olsson, A. Palacz, F. Prowe, J. Sainmont, S.J. Traving, A.W. Visser, N. Wadhwa, and T. Kiørboe. 2016. Characteristic Sizes of Life in the Oceans, from Bacteria to Whales. Annual Review of Marine Science. 8:3.1-3.25. (link) Note: Fig. 7 has been corrected.  Please email ABN for more information.

Also see: Neuheimer, A.B., Hartvig, M., Heuschele, J., Hylander, S., Kiørboe, T., Olsson, K.H., Sainmont, J.,  Andersen, K.H. 2015. Offspring Size in Marine Animals. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 96:662–663. (link


Neuheimer, A.B., M. Hartvig, J. Heuschele, S. Hylander, T. Kiørboe, K.H. Olsson, J. Sainmont, and K.H. Andersen. 2015. Adult and offspring size in the ocean over 17 orders of magnitude follows two life history strategies. Ecology 96:3303–3311. (link, pdf with Erratum) 


Neuheimer, A.B., & B.R. MacKenzie. 2014. Explaining life history variation in a changing climate across a species’ range.  Ecology. 95:3364-3375. (linkpdf)


Neuheimer, A.B. & P. Grønkjær. 2012. Climate effects on size-at-age: Growth in warming waters compensates for earlier maturity in an exploited marine fish.  Global Change Biology 18:1812-1822. (link)


Neuheimer, A.B. & C.T. Taggart. 2010. Can changes in length-at-age and maturation timing in Scotian Shelf haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) be explained by fishing?  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67: 854-865. (linkpdf)


Gentleman, W.C., A.B. Neuheimer & R.G. Campbell. 2008. Modelling copepod development: Current limitations and a new realistic approach.  ICES Journal of Marine Science 65: 399-413. (link)


Neuheimer, A.B. & C.T. Taggart.  2007.  The growing degree-day and fish size-at-age: the overlooked metric.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64: 375-385. (linkpdf)