
authorship by “contribution-determines-sequence” unless otherwise stated



Ferreira, A.S.A. & A.B. Neuheimer. 2024. Estimating a thermal constant of spawning to explain spawning time of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii across space and time. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI: 10.3354/meps14569. (link).


Ory, N.C., J.P. Gröger, J.P., A. Lehmann, F. Mittermayer, A.B. Neuheimer, & C. Clemmesen. 2024. Early arrival of spring-spawning Atlantic herring Clupea harengus at their spawning ground in the Kiel Fjord, western Baltic, relates to increasing winter seawater temperature. Journal of Fish Biology. 1-13. (link). (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis")



Ferreira, A.S.A., A.B. Neuheimer, & J.M. Durant. 2023. Impacts of the match-mismatch hypothesis across three trophic levels - a case study in the North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 80: 308-316. (link) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis")


Christensen, J., P. Grønkjær, A.B. Neuheimer, & R. Kristiansen. 2023. Electroreception by small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) embryos in relation to predator detection and avoidance. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 56 (5-6):125-135. (link). Cover article.



Bullington, J.A., A.R. Golder, G.F. Steward, M.A. McManus, A.B. Neuheimer, B.T. Glazer, O.D. Nigro & C.E. Nelson. 2022. Refining real-time predictions of Vibrio vulnificus concentrations in a tropical urban estuary by incorporating dissolved organic matter dynamics. Science of the Total Environment. 829: 154075. (link) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis")


Counsell, C.W.W., R.R. Coleman, S.S. Lal, B.W. Bowen, E.C. Franklin, A.B. Neuheimer, B.S. Powell, R.J. Toonen, M.J. Donahue, M.A. Hixon & M.A. McManus. 2022. Opening the black box: interdisciplinary analysis of larval dispersal for a coral reef fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 684: 117-132. (pdf). (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis" with Donahue, Hixon & McManus sharing senior authorship)

Steele, R. & A.B. Neuheimer. 2022. Assessing the ability of the growing degree-day metric to explain variation in size-at-age and age at moult of lobsters and crabs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 79:850-860 (link) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis")

Ciannelli, L. A.B. Neuheimer, L.C. Stige, K.T. Frank, J.M. Durant, M. Hunsicker, L.A. Rogers, S. Porter, G. Ottersen, & N.A. Yaragina. 2022. Ontogenetic spatial constraints of sub-arctic marine fish species. Fish and Fisheries. 23: 342-357. (link)



Black, J.A., A.B. Neuheimer, P.L. Horn, D.M. Tracey, & J.C. Drazen. 2021. Environmental, evolutionary, and ecological drivers of slow growth in deep-sea demersal teleosts. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 658: 1-26. (pdf) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis") Chosen as “Feature Article”.

Vollbrecht, C., P. Moehlenkamp, J. Gove, A.B. Neuheimer, M.A. McManus. 2021. Long-term presence of the island mass effect at Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:595294. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.595294 (link) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis")



Jørgensen, K.-E., A.B. Neuheimer, P.E. Jorde, H. Knutsen & P. Grønkjær. 2020. Settlement processes induce differences in daily growth rates between two co-existing ecotypes of juvenile cod Gadus morhua. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 650:175-189. doi: 10.3354/meps13433 (link) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis")

Leitner, A.B., A.B. Neuheimer, & J.C. Drazen. 2020. Evidence for long-term seamount-induced chlorophyll enhancements. Scientific Reports 10:12729. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-69564-0 (pdf) (authorship by “first-last-author-emphasis”)

Ferreira, A.S.A., L.C. Stige, A.B.Neuheimer, B. Bogstad, N. Yaragina, I. Prokopchuk, & J. M. Durant. 2020. Match-mismatch dynamics in the Norwegian-Barents Sea system. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 650:81-94. doi: 10.3354/meps13276 (pdf) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis")



Stige, L.C., L.A. Rogers, A.B. Neuheimer, M.E. Hunsicker, N.A Yaragina, G. Ottersen, L. Ciannelli, Ø. Langangen, & J.M. Durant. 2019. Density- and size-dependent mortality in fish early life stages. Fish and Fisheries 20: 962-976. (pdf) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis").



Conklin, E.E., A.B. Neuheimer, & R.J. Toonen. 2018. Modeled larval connectivity of a multi-species reef fish and invertebrate assemblage off the coast of Molokaʻi, Hawaiʻi. PeerJ 6:e5688. (pdf) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis").

Neuheimer, A.B., B.R. MacKenzie, & M.R. Payne. 2018. Temperature-dependent adaptation allows fish to meet their food across their species' range. Science Advances 4:7, eaar4349, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar4349 (pdf).


Wong-Ala, J.A.T.K., C.M. Comfort, J.M. Gove, M.A. Hixon, M.A. McManus, B.S. Powell, J.L. Whitney, & A.B. Neuheimer. 2018. How life history characteristics and environmental forcing shape settlement success of coral reef fishes. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:65 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00065. (pdf) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis").

Giorli, G., J.C. Drazen, A.B. Neuheimer, A. Copeland, & W.W.L. Au. 2018. Deep sea animal density and size estimated using a Dual-frequency IDentification SONar (DIDSON) offshore the island of Hawai'i. Progress in Oceanography 160:155-166. (link) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis")



Comfort, C.M., K.A. Smith, M.A. McManus, A.B. Neuheimer, J.S. Sevadjian, & C.E. Ostrander. 2017. Observations of the Hawaiian mesopelagic boundary community in daytime and nighttime habitats using estimated backscatter. AIMS Geosciences. DOI: 10.3934/geosci.2017.3.304. (pdf)

Leitner, A.B., A.B. Neuheimer, E. Donlon, C.R. Smith, & J.C. Drazen. 2017. Environmental and bathymetric influences on abyssal bait-attending communities of the Clarion Clipperton Zone. Deep-Sea Research Part I 125:65-80. (link) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis").



Giorli, G., A.B. Neuheimer, A. Copeland, W. Au. 2016. Temporal and spatial variation of beaked and sperm whales foraging activity in Hawai'i, as determined with passive acoustics. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 140(4):2333. (link) (authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis"). 

Giorli, G.A.B. Neuheimer, & W. Au. 2016. Spatial variation of deep diving odontocetes’ occurrence around a canyon region in the Ligurian Sea as measured with acoustic techniques. Deep-Sea Research I 116:88-93. (link(authorship by "first-last-author-emphasis").

Neuheimer, A.B., M. Hartvig, J. Heuschele, S. Hylander, T. Kiørboe, K.H. Olsson, J. Sainmont, & K.H. Andersen. 2016. Adult and offspring size in the ocean: A database of size metrics and conversion factors. Ecology DOI: 10.1890/15-1261. (link)(authorship alphabetical but for first and last) 

Gove, J.M., McManus, M.A., Neuheimer, A.B., Polovina, J.J., Drazen, J.C., Smith, C.R., Merrifield, M.A., Friedlander, A.M., Ehses, J.S., Young, C.W., Dillon, A.K., & Williams, G.J. 2016. Near-island biological hotspots in barren ocean basins. Nature Communications. 7:10581 doi:10.1038/ncomms10581 (pdf)


Teneva, L. T., McManus, M.A., Jerolmon, C., Neuheimer, A.B., Clark, S.J., Walker, G., Kaho’ohalahala, K., Shimabukuro, E., Ostrander, C. & Kittinger, J. N. 2016. Understanding Reef Flat Sediment Regimes and Hydrodynamics can Inform Erosion Mitigation on Land. Collabra, 2: pp. 1–12, DOI: (pdf


Andersen, K.H., T. Berge, R.J. Gonçalves, M. Hartvig, J. Heuschele, S. Hylander, N.S. Jacobsen, C. Lindemann, E.A. Martens, A.B. Neuheimer, K. Olsson, A. Palacz, F. Prowe, J. Sainmont, S.J. Traving, A.W. Visser, N. Wadhwa, & T. Kiørboe. 2016. Characteristic Sizes of Life in the Oceans, from Bacteria to Whales. Annual Review of Marine Science. 8:3.1-3.25. (pdf(authorship alphabetical but for first and last) ***Note there has been a correction to Fig. 7.  Please email ABN for more information.***

Giorli, G., W.W.L. Au, & A.B. Neuheimer. 2016. Differences in foraging activity of deep sea diving odontocetes in the Ligurian Sea as determined by passive acoustic recorders. Deep-Sea Research I 107:1-8. (link, pdf)



Neuheimer, A.B., M. Hartvig, J. Heuschele, S. Hylander, T. Kiørboe, K.H. Olsson, J. Sainmont, & K.H. Andersen. 2015. Adult and offspring size in the ocean over 17 orders of magnitude follows two life history strategies. Ecology 96:3303–3311. (link, pdf with Erratum) (authorship alphabetical but for first and last). 



Neuheimer, A.B., & B.R. MacKenzie. 2014. Explaining life history variation in a changing climate across a species’ range.  Ecology. 95:3364-3375. (link, pdf



Brander, K., A.B. Neuheimer, K.H. Andersen & M. Hartvig. 2013. Food for thought: Overconfidence in model projections.  ICES Journal of Marine Science 70:1065-1068. (link)



Neuheimer, A.B. & P. Grønkjær. 2012. Climate effects on size-at-age: Growth in warming waters compensates for earlier maturity in an exploited marine fish.  Global Change Biology 18:1812-1822. (link)




Neuheimer, A.B., R.E. Thresher, J.M. Lyle & J.M. Semmens. 2011. Tolerance limit for fish growth exceeded by warming waters. Nature Climate Change 1:110-113. (link) Cover article.



Neuheimer, A.B., W.C. Gentleman, P. Pepin & E.J.H. Head.  2010b. Explaining regional variability in copepod recruitment: Implications for a changing climate.  Progress in Oceanography 87: 94-105. (link)

Neuheimer, A.B. & C.T. Taggart. 2010. Can changes in length-at-age and maturation timing in Scotian Shelf haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) be explained by fishing?  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67: 854-865. (link, pdf)

Neuheimer, A.B., W.C. Gentleman, P. Pepin & E.J.H. Head. 2010a. How to build and use individual-based models (IBMs) as hypothesis testing tools.  Journal of Marine Systems 81: 122-133. (link)



Neuheimer, A.B., W.C. Gentleman, C.L. Galloway & C.L. Johnson.  2009.  Modeling larval Calanus finmarchicus on Georges Bank: Time-varying mortality rates and a cannibalism hypothesis. Fisheries Oceanography 18: 147-160.  (link)



Gentleman, W.C. & A.B. Neuheimer. 2008. Functional responses and ecosystem dynamics: How clearance rates explain the influence of satiation, food-limitation and acclimation.  Journal of Plankton Research 30: 1215-1231. (link)

Gentleman, W.C., A.B. Neuheimer & R.G. Campbell. 2008. Modelling copepod development: Current limitations and a new realistic approach.  ICES Journal of Marine Science 65: 399-413. (link)

Neuheimer, A.B., C.T. Taggart & K.T. Frank.  2008. Size-at-age in haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) - application of the growing degree-day (GDD) metric.  Proceedings of the 24th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium: Resiliency of Gadid Stocks to Fishing and Climate Change Symposium, 111-123. (pdf)



Neuheimer, A.B. & C.T. Taggart.  2007.  The growing degree-day and fish size-at-age: the overlooked metric.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64: 375-385. (link, pdf)


Other Publications

  • Neuheimer, A.B., Hartvig, M., Heuschele, J., Hylander, S., Kiørboe, T., Olsson, K.H., Sainmont, J.,  Andersen, K.H. 2015. Offspring Size in Marine Animals. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 96:662–663. (link)

  • Neuheimer, A.B. 2011. Fish in Hot Water. Article for Australasian Science, December 2011, p. 34-35. (link)

  • Neuheimer, A.B. & C.T. Taggart. 2009. Climate and fishing: Disentangling factors affecting the growth in Scotian shelf haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Document CM 2009/E:31.

  • Neuheimer, A.B., W.C. Gentleman, P. Pepin & E. Head. 2008. How to build and use individual-based models (IBMs) as hypothesis testing tools. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Document CM 2008/L:09.

  • Neuheimer, A.B., C.T. Taggart, & J.M. Hanson. 2008. Disentangling variation in fish growth: Evidence for size-selection in southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod (Gadus morhua). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Document CM 2008/J:06.

  • Gentleman, W.C., & A.B. Neuheimer. 2008. Functional responses and ecosystem dynamics: The roles of satiation, food-limitation and acclimation. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Document CM 2008/Q:03.

  • Neuheimer, A.B. 2007. Growth in fishes: size-at-age, temperature and food. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

  • Neuheimer, A.B., & C.T. Taggart. 2007. Condition estimates and Scotian Shelf haddock. In: Final report of the Fisheries Oceanography Committee 2007 Annual Meeting, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Proceedings Series 2007/053.

Highlighting indicates lab member and/or advisee.