Neuheimer Lab at FlexSem course in Roskilde

This week, we travelled to Roskilde to learn about AU Ecoscience’s FlexSem model.

It was a very inspiring three days learning how the group has developed FlexSem to model ocean environments across regions. We discussed FlexSem’s physical modelling and how we can extend modelling efforts with our individual (agent)-based modelling ideas.

We plan to develop biophysical ABMs for our projects focused on biodiversity and connectivity in inner Danish waters - projects with funding from AAGE V. JENSEN NATURFOND (HAVBIOMAP) and Interreg (BlueBioClimate)

A “thousand thanks” to Janus Larsen, Vibe Schourup-Kristensen, and Marie Maar for an excellent course! (image from FlexSem)

Posted on January 23, 2025 .