We invite you to submit an abstract to
Session 044 - Bridging the eco-evolutionary gap: Plastic and adaptive responses to climate change
at the 2017 ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting in Honolulu (Hawaii; 26 Feb – 03 Mar).
Abstracts are due 14 October 2016.
Here's a description of the session:
Climate change is affecting ecological processes and biogeochemical cycles of marine environments. Species respond to climate change through both phenotypic plasticity and microevolutionary adaptations. For example, across many trophic levels, species quickly respond to change is by shifting their distribution in space (e.g. population distribution) or time (e.g. reproductive events). However, there are limits to these types of responses, imposed by the presence of the limiting requirements of different critical stages in a species? life history. These limitations are linked to a species? life history strategy, with further response of the species beyond this point moving from phenotypic plasticity to genetic adaptation. There is unfortunately a chasm between phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary adaptations in the literature of marine species response to climate change. In this session we invite studies on species? response to environmental change, using both niche-based (e.g., climate-envelope models) and genetic (e.g., evolutionary models) approaches. Through this theme session we intend to develop awareness among scientists and build capacity to merge these two realities by including more evolutionary thinking in niche-based approaches and more ecological thinking in studies of species evolutionary processes. This understanding is necessary as we develop models to project species adaptability to future climate scenarios.