The Neuheimer Lab is in Kona, Hawai’i this week to present research at the Symposium on West Hawai’i‘s Marine Ecosystem: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Management. Our presentation - a collaboration among those at UH Mānoa (Wong-Ala, Neuheimer, Comfort, McManus, Hixon, Powell) and NOAA (Gove) & JIMAR (Whitney) - explores how life history traits interact with physical forcing to vary reef fish settlement probability for populations on Hawai’i Island’s west coast.
Neuheimer Lab MSc Defence - Congrats Marie!
On 03 November 2017, lab member Marie Ferguson successfully defended her Oceanography MSc thesis entitled "Explaining spatial variation in coral size structure in American Samoa". Congratulations Marie on all your hard work and the end product - a clear and comprehensive contribution to the field. A big thank you to Marie's committee - Drs. Mark Merrifield, Tom Oliver and Dione Swanson.
Marie and Anna post-defence
Marie's thesis cake!
2017 SOEST Open House - Friday & Saturday
Join us this Friday and Saturday (20 & 21 October) for the 2017 SOEST Open House showcasing entertaining and educational activities from SOEST's departments and institutes including Oceanography, Geology and Geophysics, Meteorology, and Ocean and Resources Engineering. More info here including the Exhibit Program.
Lab member Jennifer Wong-Ala heads east - Aloha Jenn!
This week we say aloha! to lab member Jennifer Wong-Ala who is heading east for graduate school.
After completing the Global Environmental Science program here at UH, Jenn will start her MSc in Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University in Dr. Lorenzo Ciannelli's lab. Good luck, Jenn!
Jenn's thesis cake!
Neuheimer Lab @ XIth International Larval Biology Symposium
This week, the Neuheimer Lab is at the XIth International Larval Biology Symposium at the Ala Moana Hotel, here in Honolulu. Colleagues from 14 countries are in town to discuss research on the early life stages of marine organisms.
IMR visits The Neuheimer Lab
This summer, we are very pleased to welcome researchers from the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR). Senior Scientist Frode Vikebø and his Ph.D. student Kjersti Opstad Strand are at UH for a few months to collaborate on research exploring how biophysical factors shape fish early life history. While in town, they will be speaking at the XIth International Larval Biology Symposium that will be held from 10-13 August. Welcome Frode and Kjersti!
New Article: Tracking the Hawaiian mesopelagic boundary community through time.
A new article was published this week in AIMS Geosciences exploring how the distribution of the mesopelagic boundary community changes over the day using acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs). The effort was a collaboration with the McManus lab, led by Oceanographic Specialist Christina Comfort. You can download the pdf here.
New Article: Community structure via baited cameras in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone.
In collaboration with the Drazen and Smith labs, an article exploring community structure in the Pacific's Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) was just published in Deep-Sea Research I. The CCZ is one of the richest manganese nodule provinces in the world and the paper, led by Oceanography PhD student Astrid Leitner, documents and explains community structure variability across the province.
New Article: Toothed whale foraging activity around Hawai’i.
A third article from our collaboration with UH’s Marine Mammal Research Program over at the Hawai`i Institute of Marine Biology is published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. In the article, we use passive acoustic recordings to explore foraging activity of toothed whales around Hawai’i.
Neuheimer Lab @ Oslo, NO
Anna is in Oslo, Norway this week to participate in a workshop on "Natural mortality in fish populations during early life stages" organized by the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES) at the University of Oslo. Anna joins participants from Norway, USA, Germany and Russia.
Lab Member Jennifer Wong-Ala's research featured on KITV4 news
More coverage of lab member and recent GES graduate Jennifer Wong-Ala's work exploring larval reef fish dynamics was featured on KITV4 News.
Lab member Jennifer Wong-Ala's research featured on UH News
Lab member and recent GES graduate Jennifer Wong-Ala was featured on the UH News page today. Read more about her efforts exploring reef fish sustainability here. Great job Jenn!
Registration open: XIth International Larval Biology Symposium, Honolulu, HI
Registration for the XIth International Larval Biology Symposium, Aug. 10-13 in Honolulu, Hawaii, is now open! Please see to register, reserve a room at the conference hotel, and preview program and symposium information.
Register by June 1 to receive a reduced early registration fee. The deadline for talk or poster submission is June 15. We hope to see you in August!
Neuheimer Lab @ 31st Wakefield Symposium, Anchorage, USA
Anna is in Anchorage, Alaska this week for the 31st Wakefield Symposium on the "Impacts of a Changing Environment on the Dynamics of High-latitude Fish and Fisheries".
Anna will be presenting on Tuesday 9 May from 9:30-10:00am in Session 1: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ON SUBARCTIC AND ARCTIC ECOSYSTEMS: SPECIES-SPECIFIC RESPONSES (abstract below).
Hope to see you there!
GES Thesis Completion - Congrats Jennifer Wong-Ala!
On 5 May 2017, lab member Jennifer Wong-Ala presented her Global Environmental Science final thesis entitled "Disentangling Biophysical Factors Affecting Reef Fish Recruitment in West Hawai'i Island". Congratulations Jenn! We're so proud of all your hard work and the stellar finished project!
Congratulations also to all of today's GES Symposium presenters! Great job all around!
UH's 5th Annual Conference of Biological Oceanography Graduate Students
Please join us this Tuesday, 21 March for the 5th Annual Conference of Biological Oceanography Graduate Students (CBOGS). This student-run event will showcase current student research in biological oceanography at SOEST.
Neuheimer Lab @ ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI
This week the Neuheimer Lab will be at the 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting being held here in Honolulu, HI. Anna (along with Lorenzo Ciannelli) will be co-convening Session 044 Bridging the eco-evolutionary gap: Plastic and adaptive responses to climate change on Thursday 2 March. In addition, here are a list of presentations co-authored by lab members:
Hope to see you soon!
Call for Symposia: XIth International Larval Biology Symposium, Honolulu, HI
The organizing committee for the XIth International Larval Biology Symposium is soliciting short proposals for symposium topics for our August 2017 meeting. If you’re interested in organizing a symposium for a particular topic, please submit your proposal through the link on the front page of the meeting website.
We hope to see you all in Honolulu next August!
Neuheimer Lab @ Hawaii Pacific University
This week Anna was invited to speak at Hawaii Pacific University as part of their Marine Science Guest Speaker Seminar Series. Anna presented recent work from the Neuheimer lab exploring early fish life history variation at high and low latitudes.
31st Wakefield Symposium on high-latitude fish and fisheries, Anchorage, AK
The 31st Wakefield Symposium on the Impacts of a Changing Environment on the Dynamics of High-latitude Fish and Fisheries is now accepting abstracts. The symposium will be held from 9-12 May 2017 in Anchorage, Alaska.
Symposium topic areas are:
- Environmental impacts on subarctic and arctic ecosystems: species-specific responses
- Environmental impacts on subarctic and arctic ecosystems: community structure, biodiversity, energy flow, and trophodynamics
- Physiological effects of ocean acidification, oxygen limitation, and temperature stress on high-latitude fish and shellfish
- Incorporating environmental effects and accounting for changing life history traits in the assessment and management of fish populations
- Evaluating management strategies under projected environmental changes
- Coping with environmental variability and climate change: perspectives from coastal communities
More info on session descriptions and invited speakers is available here. Hope to see you in Anchorage in May!