Neuheimer Lab 2.0 - Moving to Aarhus University, Denmark

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After 6 happy and productive years at UHM’s Department of Oceanography, the Neuheimer Lab will be moving to Aarhus University (AU) in Aarhus, Denmark beginning 01 February 2020. I am very excited to be joining the dynamic group in Aquatic Biology at AU’s Department of Bioscience. Student and postdoctoral opportunities associated with the move will be announced shortly.

I very much appreciate having had the opportunity to contribute our research and teaching efforts to the dynamic and supportive group in Oceanography at UHM (and the greater SOEST community). I look forward to continuing our collaborations moving forward.

Posted on October 15, 2019 .

Neuheimer Lab @ the 43rd Annual Larval Fish Conference

Next week, Anna heads to Palma de Mallorca for the 43rd Annual Larval Fish Conference. Anna and Prof. Lorenzo Ciannelli (Oregon State University) will be convening Session 8 on Thursday and Friday covering “Ecological and evolutionary processes affecting fish ELHS distribution and survival”. Information on all the Neuheimer Lab contributions to #LFC2019 below. Hope to see you on Mallorca!




Friday @ 10:30: “MATCH-MISMATCH DYNAMICS BETWEEN Calanus finmarchicus AND Gadus morhua IN THE BARENTS SEA AND THE NORWEGIAN SEA” Ferreira, Durant, Neuheimer, Bogstad, Yaragina, & Stige

Friday @ 10:45: “DENSITY- AND SIZE-DEPENDENT MORTALITY IN FISH EARLY LIFE STAGES” Stige, Rogers, Neuheimer, Hunsicker, Yaragina, Ottersen, Ciannelli, Langangen & Durant

Posted on May 17, 2019 .

bioRxiv Preprint: The Biological Theory of Relativity

In April, Anna posted a new preprint on bioRxiv discussing “The pace of life: Time, temperature and a biological theory of relativity”. Check out the html file in the supplementary for embedded animations.

“For living things, time proceeds relative to body temperature. In this contribution, I describe the biochemical underpinnings of this “biological time” and formalize the Biological Theory of Relativity (BTR). Paralleling Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, the BTR describes how time progresses across temporal frames of reference, contrasting temperature-scaled biological time with our more familiar (and constant) “calendar” time measures. By characterizing the relationship between these two time frames, the BTR allows us to position observed biological variability on a relevant time-scale. In so doing, we are better able to explain observed variation (both temperature-dependent and -independent), make predictions about the timing of biological phenomena, and even manipulate the biological world around us. The BTR presents a theoretical framework to direct future work regarding an entire landscape of fundamental biological questions across space, time and species.“

Posted on May 16, 2019 .

Nordic Remote Sensing Conference 2019 - Call for Abstracts!

The call for abstracts for the Nordic Remote Sensing Conference 2019 is now open. Here are the details:

Nordic Remote Sensing Conference 2019 (NoRSC’19): Data Acquisition, Algorithms and Applications

Venue: Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Aarhus University, Denmark

Dates: 17-19 September 2019

NoRSC’19 aims to bring together researchers, in both academia and industry, involved in all aspects of remote sensing research - from data acquisition, processing and analysis to applications in a variety of fields. The conference will also serve as a forum for networking to promote collaborative projects in, and with, the Nordic countries.

We cordially invite you to submit abstracts to be considered for a poster or an oral presentation at NoRSC’19. Please find attached the call for abstracts (NoRSC19_Call_for_Abstracts.pdf). The deadline for abstracts is 15th April 2019.

Please circulate this to your colleagues, particularly those with research interests in the Nordic and Arctic countries. Printable poster available here.

We look forward to seeing you in Aarhus in September!

Posted on February 8, 2019 .

Tips for getting out of your own way

Whether you’re preparing for your qualifying/comprehensive exams, PhD defence or other life challenge, learning to get out of your own way is half the task. Find tips for getting out of your own way here.

Posted on January 9, 2019 .

New Article: Fish and invertebrate connectivity around Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i

With co-authors in the ToBo lab, our study (published in PeerJ) modelled connectivity patterns for 11 fish and invertebrate species around Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i. We used a graph-theoretic approach to visualize our connectivity predictions and included analysis of the role of the Kalaupapa National Historical Park in shaping population connectivity around the island.

The work is a collaboration between UH (HIMB & Oceanography) and Aarhus University (AIAS) with support from the US National Park Service, Aarhus University Research Foundation and the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme.

Posted on October 5, 2018 .

New Article: How coral reef life history strategies shape settlement success

A new article is out today in Frontiers in Marine Science led by Neuheimer Lab alumnus Jennifer Wong-Ala.  The study developed and applied a biophysical model of individuals to explore how different life history characteristics (e.g. spawning location & date, pelagic larval duration or PLD) interact with the environment to change settlement success for fishes off west Hawai'i Island.  The work identified multiple pathways (including the use of eddies) that can lead to self-recruitment for fish (and potentially invertebrate) communities in the area.  The study was a collaboration among Neuheimer, Powell, McManus, and Hixon labs, as well as NOAA's Pacific Island Fisheries Science Center (Gove & Whitney).  The pdf can be found here.

Posted on March 1, 2018 .

Neuheimer Lab @ 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, USA

Neuheimer Lab alumnus Jennifer Wong-Ala (currently at Oregon State University) will be presenting our work on how life history shapes reef fish settlement off Hawai'i Island.  The work, a collaboration with NOAA as well as the McManus, Powell and Hixon labs, explores how biophysical factors shape the ability of larval reef fish to make it back to the reef.  Jennifer will be presenting in today's (Monday 12 Feb) poster session from 16:00-18:00.

Posted on February 12, 2018 .

New Article: Characterizing the deep-sea scattering layer using DIDSON sonar

In collaboration with UH’s Marine Mammal Research Program and led by Dr. Giacomo Giorli (currently at New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research), an article exploring the deep-sea scattering layer via sonar was published this month in Progress in Oceanography.  In the study, we use a Dual-frequency IDentification SONar (DIDSON) to characterize abundance and size of animals in the deep-sea scattering layer off the coast of Hawai'i Island.  Read more here.

Posted on February 6, 2018 .

Neuheimer Lab @ Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies

Anna was awarded an AIAS-COFUND Fellowship and has begun tenure this month at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies in Denmark.  The interdisciplinary institute is housed at Aarhus University where Anna's project will focus on developing and applying new mechanistic modelling tools describing controls on larval fish timing and how timing influences the propagation of climate effects through ecosystems. 

Posted on February 2, 2018 .